If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). For now it looks like PAM needs configuring. log onto incoming mail server (imap) failed Send test email message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) email server. I am not sure if this is a Roundcube problem, or a postfix problem. I did not define a dovecot like as in this post here, but have this var/log/mail.log: Apr 17 22:03:17 hostname dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 4 secs): user=, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, secured, session= etc/postfix/main. Everything shows that there seems to be no problem.
: C: A0001 ID ('name' 'Roundcube' 'version' '1.3.6' 'php' '7.1.16-1+ubuntu17.10.1++1' 'os' 'Linux' 'command' '/webmail/?_task=login') I see a new email in my /home/mail/domain/Dovecot info The log doesn't seem to show any errors. var/lib/roundcube/logs/imap: : S: * OK Dovecot (Ubuntu) ready. This is the error I am getting when trying to log in log-file